What is a Self Help Group?

Self Help Groups are groups of people with disabilities who are working together with a shared vision of changing their economic and social exclusion in society.

Self-Help Groups in the Western Cape:

Kwa Nothemba Workshop
Phakamani Road, E -Section, Khayelitsha, 7784

Fax: [+27] 021 361 1560

[+27] 021 361 1560 / 1

NPO No. 003-031 NPO

Siyazama Disabled Self-Help Association
Look Out Hill Tourism Facility, C/o Spine & Mew Way Rd, Khayelitsha, 7784

Fax: [+27] 021 361 7087

[+27] 021 364 0030

NPO No. 031-963 NPO

Phambili VIP Bangane
C/o Lwandle & Spine Rd, Lingelethu West Training Centre, Shop 13A & 13B, Khayelitsha, 7784

Fax: [+27] 021 361 0960

[+27] 021 361 0960

NPO No. 051-321 NPO

Kwa Nontuthuzelo Workshop
C/o Ny 25 & Gugelethu Square Lane, Gugelethu, 7750

[+27] 021 837 1981

NPO No. 014-371 NPO

Sonwabile Disabled Self-Help Association
Stand 674 Zolani Centre, Nyanga East 7755

Fax: [+27] 086 666 3933

[+27] 021 386 9964

NPO No. 007-022 NPO

Vukuhambe Self-Help Association
C/o Ny 25 & Gugelethu Square Lane, Gugelethu, 7750

Fax: [+27] 086 600 1032

[+27] 021 837 1981